Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Forgotten Impoverished Jews

The Forgotten Impoverished Jews
Written by: Jonathan Israel

Recently a well known Christian pastor and television evangelist in Branson, Missouri, began his church service with his congregation affirming Jesus provides each member with a bigger house and a new automobile.  The congregation further professed they are wealthy, they have no lack of money, they eat the best of foods, wear the finest apparel, etc.

It’s true that America is the most prosperous nation in the world.  While we have our share of indigent and homelessness, most Americans have preeminent cars, comfortable homes, and supermarkets to buy most anything they desire.  There are restaurants on every street corner.  In most major cities charitable organizations provide the homeless three hot meals a day.  This is truly a blessed nation.  Unfortunately, the more wealth Americans accumulate, the more they lust after.  Even our most respected churches are embedded with an outrageous spirit of greed.

As American press in for more wealth, and luxurious houses, we have forgotten the most vulnerable people in this nation and around the world: the impoverished Jews.  For example, America has nearly seventeen million impoverished children that, each and every night, go to bed hungry.  Their tiny bellies are famished and wanting for something as simple as a piece of fruit.  This should not be so.  Not in America.

Famine is not just restricted to impoverished American children, it rages throughout the world.  Impoverished Jews in Siberia are literally starving to death.  They live in shanty shacks; have no fuel for heat, no medical assistance, and no money to survive on.  They are in desperate need of our financial support.  They are the forgotten impoverished Jews.  America cannot sit idly by as our beloved Jewish brothers and sisters encounter their greatest suffering of hunger and starvation since WW11.   We must act now, without our immediate intervention the Jewish elderly, children, and families will die. 

You and I are the key to their deliverance.  We are their only hope for survival.  Here are few Jewish charities that provide some relief to impoverished Jews throughout the world. (for medical assistance) (Helps impoverished Jews in Israel)

The above list is just a small account of Jewish charities.  There are many more that are provided through a google search in your area.  Your intervention to rescue a Jewish man, woman, child from starvation is urgently requested.  Act now by contacting one of the reputable Jewish charities listed above.  The scripture says, “I will bless those that bless you…” 

Jonathan Israel