Tuesday, November 25, 2008

LDS Church vs. Same Sex Marriage

Written by Johnny Israel

Last week the Californians voted against the California initiative to ban same-sex-marriage in California. The LDS Church pumped 25 million dollars into the fray to fight against the same sex marriage initiative. A majority of Californians overwhelmingly voted against the same-sex-marriage initiative. Nationwide the gays and homosexuals were outraged; the matter is now headed toward the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Sacramento, California.

The LDS Church was founded on traditional family values and morals. It is the fundamental philosophy of their faith. The Church leaders teach traditional family values as the core of Godliness; and view traditional marriage as a most important Biblical law. Same-sex-marriage violates the essence of God’s law, therefore the LDS Church and a vast of other faiths entered into the same-sex-marriage fray as a conduit to ensure conventional American family values and morals. In taking a righteous stand for Church values the Gay community has accused the Church of intolerance, racism, haters of gays, and bigotry. This is not the case.

The LDS Church is one of the most generous and benevolent ministries worldwide. They welcome people of all faiths to fellowship with them, no matter what their sexual preferences are. The Church spends millions of dollars every year reaching out to the poor (church members and non-church members) with housing assistance, food, clothing, medical bills, and a host of other charitable needs. They are involved with local and national politics, social events, aid organizations, and scholastic scholarships. They make available Biblical agendas for kids, teenagers, young adults, the elderly, singles, and families.

The Church is not anti-gay, but rather pro family values. If the Church had failed to take a stand against California’s same-sex-marriage initiative, they would in essence have violated the very principles of their faith. Moral principles, ethics, Biblical doctrine, family significance, love, kindness, and forgiveness are the characteristics the LDS Church. Jesus said that the Church would be persecuted for righteousness sake. While some radical gays sling bigotry accusations at the Church, the Church continues to extend a hand of kindness toward to the gay community. Christians everywhere are obligated by the Word of God to love every person, no matter what their sexual preference may be, without compromising their doctrine of faith.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rock of Deliverance inTroubling Times

Written by
Johnny Israel

There is an old gospel song that refers to faith as "planted as a tree before the waters". In these troubling times, Christians are encountering difficult if not seemingly impossible obstacles, especially in economics and health issues. Never before has America faced uncertainties as she has in the last seven years. The whole world is under attack by religious extremists who are bent on destroying all things that are decent and moral, especially the God-given right of freedom that America and the free nations enjoy.

Yet as the world grows more restless, Christians are assured in God's Word that deliverance is just a prayer away. Our Heavenly Father has promised each and everyone of us that He will deliver us is the day of trouble. The Word teaches us to "look to the Author and Developer of our faith" as the source of our deliverance.

On a certain day the disciples were instructed by the Lord to get into a boat and cross to the other side of the sea. As Jesus slept in the lower part of the boat a storm arose, filling the boat with water. The disciples fearing they were about to drown woke Jesus up and said, "Master don't you care that we are about to drown? Jesus went to the bow of the boat and commanded for the winds and sea to calm. Immediately the storm ceased its violent rage. Jesus said to His disciples, " Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?"

Jesus gave them the instructions to cross over to the other side, yet as the storm arose, they focused on the storm and not the dictates of Jesus. I often meet Christians, just like the disciples, whose eyes are on the world problems and not the Word of God. When troubles come, they are suddenly afraid for the worst to happen. God never promised us that we would not have troubles, nor would He shield us from life difficulties. He did promise us a way of escape through His Word.

As a believer, we must not kowtow to troubles, but face them with the Word of God. In the mouth of believers, the Word becomes a two-edged sword dividing and cutting away at our problems. The Holy Spirit is only moved by God's Word. The same Holy Spirit that resides in each believer, great and small. As the believer rises up in faith through the Word of God, the Holy Spirit moves in for our deliverance.

The difficulties we face are real. The world is in a chaos, yet as we remain in the Word, God builds a hedge around us. He is faithful and just to deliver us in these troubling times. Keep your focus on the Word of God, and God will deliver you from your troubles. That is His promise to you as a child of your Heavenly Father.

Monday, March 03, 2008

The God Kind Of Faith - Part 3 0f 3

Written by Johnny Israel

The Bible says, “Without faith it impossible to please Him…” The Lord instills in all of us a measure of faith. Faith is like a muscle. It must be exercised daily in order to increase in power. As we learned in parts 1 & 2, faith comes from hearing the Word of God. But that is just the beginning of increasing faith. The more we read and study the Word, faith increases.

The next step is speaking the Word in good times and bad times. The Word is the power of God to change the circumstances we face. The Bible says God’s Word will not return to Him void, but will accomplish that where it is sent. God has declared His Word, it is up to his to release the authority of the Word by speaking the Word into our circumstances.

We either act in faith or fear. Fear and faith are equal in action. We deny fear through faith in the Word, even when our circumstances seem fearful. In the case of sickness, we don’t deny the sickness, but we do deny its right to remain through faith, thereby vacating fear.

The Lord told us to remind Him of His Word. We do this in worship, praise, and prayer. There is something unique about God when He hears us speaking His Word over our circumstances. When we speak the Word the Holy Spirit’s ears perk up. He immediately begins to move in our behalf. It not only catches His attention, the Lord immediately dispatches Angels to help us fight the good fight of faith. The Word says that angels are ministering spirits sent forth to minister on our behalf.

A friend once told me that “faith people” put God in a box, they dictate to Him what they want instead of His will. I responded by saying, “No, God put Himself in a Book that has unlimited power for those that seriously take Him at His Word.” God never intended for us to be limited to our circumstances, He gave us His Word to empower us against the daily issues of life. This is part of God’s love for us. It is never His will to leave us powerless in the face of problems that require His power.

Remember, it is God’s Word that holds the power, not us. Yet, His power comes through us when we respond to His Word. God cannot act outside the scope of His Word, yet faith is the key to unlock the unlimited power of the Word. It is boundless power working on our behalf.

We can not change our circumstances at will, yet God does as we act in faith through His Word. The Word and God are as one, you can not separate the two. To identify with God, you must first identify with His Word. Word power comes through an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father. Faith is a responsibility, mishandled we stumble blindly in our Christian walk. We are more than conquerors through Christ who is the author and developer of our faith. The good news is God rejoices in our faith, especially when we respond to His Word in dark times.

When fear and doubt enter our mind, we replace it with faith. I am not saying faith is easy when our minds are screaming fear. As I said, faith is a building exercise. We learn to first use faith for the small issues, then increase it as we grow in the Word. The old adage says, “When fear and doubt knocked at the door, faith answered and there was no one there.”

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The God Kind of Faith - Part 2 of 3

Written by Johnny Israel

We first learned that a measure of faith is given to every person at the time of their new birth. We also learned in order to grow in faith, we must study the Word of God, and then we are to remind the Lord of His Word in Prayer.

Not to long ago one of my friends was sick in the hospital. He had been praying for healing, but his condition turned from bad to worse. Needless to say, he was greatly discouraged. He just could not understand why the Lord did not heal him. Was it his lack of faith, he questioned?

I reminded my friend that God has many alternatives to healing. One of His alternatives is using the skilled hands of surgeons and medicine. Yet he was told by other preachers that real faith only accepted the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit for healing. I responded, “Should your car blow a head casket, would you not take it to a mechanic to be fixed? The God kind of faith is using wisdom in time of our need. It allows God to choose His ways and means in our deliverance. The Lord may opt for a miraculous healing without a doctor, or he may elect to guide the skilled hands of a surgeon. Either way, our faith lies confidently in His Word for healing.

Once I was able to convince my friend that faith is not limited to a single decision, he was able to accept that fact that God honors our faith, yet it is His decision to the method for our deliverance. Faith accepts God’s Word as the final authority for what we believe for, no matter what form of method He prescribes.

Faith is simply accepting God’s Word at face value. What the Word declares, God will do. It is up to us to accept His Word as the final authority of our faith. In the case of my friend’s need for healing, faith does not deny he is sick, rather it denies the right of sickness to remain. The disease is real. Pain is real. We can’t deny these facts. Yet God’s Word is the final authority over the disease and pain.

Faith is a simple process, we accept God at His Word, even in the mist of the most trying times. Then we allow Him to take the necessary action through the power of the Holy to accomplish the end result of our faith. The Holy Spirit is moved by faith, and faith is the key to God’s power. As we worship Him in faith, the Holy Spirit responds in our behalf. Jesus said in the Book of John, “Whatever you ask in my Name, that will I do.” Faith is asking, and then believing what we ask for is ours, and then we accept it as fact, even before we see the results. Faith is a substance of things hoped for. Whatever you are hoping for, faith is the key to receiving it.

Part 2 of 3

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The God Kind of Faith – Part 1 of 3

Written by Johnny Israel


The Bible says, “Without faith it is impossible to please Him (the Lord).” Often I am ask about faith, what it is, and how to use it to overcome circumstances we are confronted with, especially for physical healing, finances, marital issues, including issues with our children.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for…” Notice it says faith is a substance (essence) of things hoped for. In other words, faith is the basis of what we believe. The Word says, “Let us draw near (to God) with the full assurance of faith…) Is faith more than conjuring a positive mental attitude?

When you, by faith, accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, your spirit was instantly regenerated a new, or born again. The old man of sin perished, the new man, your spirit, was made whole. At that moment, the Holy Spirit took permanent residence inside your body. Your body now houses the Spirit of God along with your regenerated spirit (the real you). When this happened, God imparted to you “a measure of faith”. In other words, a small portion of faith was imparted to your spirit man, the real you.

So if I have faith, then why do I struggle with faith, you may ask? It was your spirit that was made new at the time of your “new birth, not your mind. The mind is where in warfare between faith and doubt. For instance, your mind still retains the same me thoughts, and holds onto the doubts and fears before you were born again. The Apostle Paul said in Corinthians 2:10 “Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus…” How is that possible?

The first step to building faith is reading the Word. God’s Word not only encourages us in our circumspect walk with Him, it is the foundation to building up our faith. Again the Word says that when we pray, we are to remind the Lord of His Word. His Word says “We are healed by the stripes of Jesus.” When sickness attacks our bodies, we remind the Lord that we are healed by His stripes. The Word also says, “My God shall supply all your need according to the riches of His glory.” In financially difficult times, we remind the Lord it is He that meets our financial needs accord to His riches.

God is not short concerning his promises. The promises of God are “yes” and “amen” to the believers. As we study the scriptures, faith is imparted to our heart. The inspiration of the Word builds faith. When we pray the Word it is our communication of faith to a loving Heavenly Father that is eager to answer our prayers.

The first step to getting a measure of faith is accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. That leads us to step two, faith comes from hearing the Word (studying the Word); and step three we pray the Word. As we do so, faith becomes alive in us.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Polyester Faith - Virgin Wool Faith

Written by Johnny Israel

Two churches that I am personally acquainted with are currently in a building fund raising project. One church has taken on a huge debt, (Polyester Faith), and the other church has chosen to be debt free (Virgin Wool Faith) by raising the full capital for their building project. We’ll start with the polyester faith first.

Polyester Faith

First, let’s describe the term polyester faith. Polyester is a cheap synthetic oil product that is mainly used in clothing and plastics. The 1970s was the notorious years of discounted polyester suits, pants, and shirts. Stores such as Wal-Mart, Kmart, J.C. Penney, and most cheap discount stores sell polyester garments. The poor and indigents are synonymous when it comes to cheap, shoddy polyester clothing.

This polyester church (RCC) consists mostly of poor indigents that do not have a pot to cook in and a plate to eat off. Approximately 100 people attend this church on a weekly basis. Out of their 100 parishioners, 70% are indigent street urchins. Out of the other 30%, less than 20% of those support the church financially. This particular church meets every Sunday in a local movie theater at an enormous weekly cost to the church. Three years ago, the church sold its original church building for approximately $250,000, in which all the money has been spent foolishly on renting the above-mentioned movie theater, and other non-essentials to the church’s financial good. The money now spent, the church is broke and barely able to pay rent, and unable to meet its financial obligations.

Last November, RCC agreed to purchase an old three story building at a cost of 1.5 million dollars, which sits in the middle of an old abandoned car lot. The building itself is planned to house a small restaurant and meeting place for their youth. The problem is the church is broke, with very little income to barely meet their current needs. According to their agreement with the lender, RCC must first raise $300,000 dollars within 90 days. Since November of last year, the church has barely raised $5,000 dollars, yet they foolishly believe that they are in the Lord’s will.

Is it God’s will to obligate so few people with such an enormous debt without any financial resources? Most financial consultants would advise RCC leadership that they are sailing into turbulent waters. It is never the Lord’s will to strap his people with heavy financial burdens, especially in these trouble times. Would this pastor tell a financially strapped parishioner to go out and buy a new Cadillac, and the Lord will meet the obligations? That would be ridiculous, if not insane. Then why would this pastor take on a huge financial burden without first having the resources to meet the obligations? This is nothing but cheap polyester faith, deceiving them into believing they’re in God’s perfect will. This church is headed for disaster. Most likely RCC will not be around by the end of 2008.

Virgin Wool Faith

Virgin wool is 100% pure wool. It is the finest of all garments. This is where CEVF enters in.

CEVF’s pastor is a meticulous man for details. This man of God was once an administrator of a Christian school, whereas part of his job was overseeing the school’s budget. CEVF owns a church building that houses 600 people. They have out grown their old church, and now are in a building fund raising project. To date CEVF has raised nearly $900,000 dollars. Their goal is to sell their old church, which is estimated to be around 2.5 million dollars, plus to raise another 2 million for their new church. The church currently meets at a local high school for their Sunday services, while maintaining the old church for offices. The rest of the church is rented out to a day school; this money is going toward their weekly church operations.

This pastor refuses to burden the church with huge debts and enormous financial obligations. He has rather decided to go debt free, therefore relieving the church body from an unnecessary inconvenience. He has recognized the importance of being debt free, and the liberation of financial bondage placed on the church. This pastor is a wise man, who is building a solid foundation of financial freedom. While RCC continues to needlessly struggle financially, CEVF continues to prosper under the direction of an astute church leader.

Both pastors are good, decent servants of Christ. Both men are hard working, honest, and faithful, with a vision for Christ. However, the first one is on a destination of financial failure; the other one has chosen the path to financial success and freedom. Surely this is virgin wool faith. CEVF will be around for many years to come.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Alternative Health Care

Written by Johnny Israel

For some years a now a blood clot (thrombophlebitis) coagulated in my left leg, between the knee and ankle. The heart pumps blood through the arteries to the skin and tissues throughout the body. Deep vein thrombosis (throm-BO-sis), or DVT, is a blood clot that forms in a vein deep in the body. Blood clots occur when blood thickens and clumps together.

Most deep vein blood clots occur in the lower leg or thigh. They also can occur in other parts of the body. A blood clot in a deep vein can break off and travel through the bloodstream. The loose clot is called an embolus. When the clot travels to the lungs and blocks blood flow, the condition is called pulmonary embolism (PULL-mun-ary EM-bo-lizm), or PE.

A few months ago, I came across “Your Health Today” a weekly cable television health show hosted by Doctor Richard Becker and his lovely wife, Cindy. (Doctor Becker’s website is http://www.bioinnovations.net.) As it happen a viewer called in to get advice from Doctor Becker on thrombophlebitis. Doctor Becker counseled the caller to immediately take Omega 3 oil, along with other supplements. As I listened to the doctor’s wisdom, I decided to follow the same advice.

After two weeks of taking Omega 3 in the form of fish oil, the swelling and pain in my leg abated. At one point the pain associated with the swelling and lack of blood flow in my leg was so horrendous that a local doctor recommended immediate surgery. That was on the same day I had to good fortune to come across “Your Health For Today”.

Since then, I have religiously taken a good multivitamin, along with supplements of A, B12, C, D, E, Oregano Oil, Garlic, Zinc, Magnesium, Folic Acid, Milk Thistle, Ginkgo Biloba, and a few other minerals, and nutrients. I also bought a professional juicer. I daily juice vegetable juice and or fruit juice. Then, I made a change in my diet. Refined sugar, bread, and dairy products, are no longer part of my daily staple. My current diet consist of 60%Vegetables and fruit. This has made a wonderful difference in my body. My energy level is returning to that my youth; my mind is clear and strong, as well as, I am losing weight.

I am a firm believer in the health benefits of vitamins and nutrients. Contrary to the pharmaceutical companies’ persuasion that vitamins do little in the way of promoting good health, more and more medical doctors are advising patients of their health benefits.

It seems clear that pharmaceutical drugs do more harm than good. The dangerous risk factors of death are a proven fact. Just listen to any television drug commercial. The side effects are endless. Common sense tells us that vitamins and health supplements promote the same medical benefits as pharmaceutical drugs, without the dangerous side effects, Then why not choose alternative health care over drugs?

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Kings and Priests Before God

Written by Johnny Israel

"And He has made us kings and priests unto His Father; to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever." Revelation 1:6 KJV

John the revelator wrote this scripture passage while living in exile on the Greek island of Patmos, an island in the Aegean Sea. Historians tell us this legendary Apostle of Faith is the author of First, Second, and Third John, as well as the Book of Revelation, also known as “The Apocalypse of John.”

It is no coincidence that John refers to the Body of Christ as kings and priests. The word king is interpreted as “one who rules a wise kingdom; the word priests is interpreted as “a person having authority.” Luke 10:19 declares, “Behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing by any means hurt you.” All through the four Gospels, Christ taught his disciples they possessed awesome power in His name. He sent them out to heal the sick, cast out demons, and to raise the dead.

Paul the Apostle said in the Book of Ephesians 2:6…”and He made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:” Paul was instilling in us Believers that even though we are in the world and not of the world, we are not weak in power. Paul reminded us Believers, that we are already seated with Christ in glory and authority. The Church was birth in the power of the Holy Spirit. It was this mighty power of the Holy Spirit that the disciples performed monumental miracles. In the Book of Acts, Peter and John were brought before the religious zealots and severely beaten for their faith. After their release they prayed, “And now Lord, behold their threats: and grant to your servants, that with all boldness we may speak your word, by stretching forth your hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the Name of your Holy Child Jesus.” Acts 4:29-30

Notice they prayed for boldness to speak the word by God stretching forth His hand to heal. The Word refers to the Believers as the Body of Christ. As the body of Christ, we are God’s hands on the face of this earth. They Word says, “You shall lay hands on the sick and heal them.” Just as the Devil needs a body to work through to accomplish his evil deeds, God also requires a body move through to perform the power of His Word, and that body is the Believers. While this statement may anger preachers, it nevertheless is true, God’s power is limited to the faith of the Believers. Nothing happens without the Believers first submitting to the Word by allowing the Holy Spirit to move through them.

Unfortunately, today’s Believers are constantly bombarded with candy-coated sermons from the pulpit with doubts and unbelief. We are often told, “If God chooses to perform miracles through His Word, then the choice is up to Him.” What a foolish statement. Smith Wigglesworth, the mighty man of God once said, “If the Spirit of God does not move, then I will move the Spirit.” Wigglesworth knew that God and His Word are one. That the anointing of the Holy Spirit comes through Word obedience; and most of the time obedience goes against the tradition of pulpit teachings.

The Apostle John reminds us that we are kings and priests, that we are people of authority and power. We are not “old shoes” for Christ, but rather we rule as kings and priests in command of lives circumstances. It is time for the Body of Christ’s return to its rightful position of authority. The Believer is called to change the world; and not become slave to the world’s circumstances. The Word tells us in Revelation, “As He is now so are we.”

Monday, January 07, 2008

Called to Preach, But Not Anointed

Written by Johnny Israel

Years ago, in the seventies, I had the privilege of meeting, C.M Ward, (now deceased) a nationally and internationally recognized author, pastor, preacher, and evangelist. C.M. Ward was a man in constant prayer that loved studying the Word. In the mid seventies, he was responsible for leading the Assemblies of God Church in a national revival, where thousands of young people gave their hearts to Christ. During this powerful revival period, the Assembly of God organization grew mightily in numbers; it was through this man’s direction, the Assembly of God churches were forced to build newer and much larger church buildings all across America to accommodate the mass of young people attending services.

Whether by radio, television or the pulpit, this great man of God never closed a sermon without giving people an invitation to come to Christ; and come they did in masses. God’s hand was on this great man through the power of the Holy Spirit. In other words, C. M Ward was an anointed preacher that often encountered, what is called a, “chamber room” relationship with Christ. He was always in prayer, always in worship, always in the Word, and always ready to lead any person that came across his path to Christ.

C.M Ward has long been deceased. His memory of greatness has long been forgotten. Over the years, new Church leaders have come and gone. What once was a religious institution of faith and power has been replaced with contemporary complacency, the flames of revival fire has long simmered Luke warm, its embers of Holy Spirit power are covered in a heap of present-day humdrum. Sadly, in their efforts to attract people to the Church, preachers all across this nation have willing surrendered their anointing for a more fashionable “social club” where one size of faith fits all. The Church’s protocol is come as you are, don’t bring your Bibles, we won’t embarrass you with a public proffer to receive Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, and please note, for your comfort, donuts and coffee are served in the foyer of the Church.

The world is in chaos as never before. Around this world people are fearful of what the future holds for them. Rogue nations are murdering their citizens at an alarming rate, and the threat of a pandemic disease, such as the Bird Flu, is close at hand. There is that possibility nuclear weapons can fall into the hands of religious hate mongers that are bent on the destruction of the free world. Yet with all the world’s troubles at our doorstep, the Church has traded God’s anointing for a mere morsel of coffee and donuts. Its candy-coated sermons are soft peddled to its members as spiritual atonement to the gates of Heaven.

It will take God’s anointing to raise the Church from the trash heap of contemporary socialism she is buried beneath, if she is going to survive the troubling times ahead of her. The Lord’s anointing and power comes through prayer, worship, and an intimate relationship in the Word of God. Unfortunately, today’s Church offers little prayer, is far from worship, and proffers little revelation of the Word, and has never experienced C.M Ward’s chamber room relationship with their Heavenly Father. They are called to preach, but not anointed.