Thursday, February 21, 2008

The God Kind of Faith - Part 2 of 3

Written by Johnny Israel

We first learned that a measure of faith is given to every person at the time of their new birth. We also learned in order to grow in faith, we must study the Word of God, and then we are to remind the Lord of His Word in Prayer.

Not to long ago one of my friends was sick in the hospital. He had been praying for healing, but his condition turned from bad to worse. Needless to say, he was greatly discouraged. He just could not understand why the Lord did not heal him. Was it his lack of faith, he questioned?

I reminded my friend that God has many alternatives to healing. One of His alternatives is using the skilled hands of surgeons and medicine. Yet he was told by other preachers that real faith only accepted the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit for healing. I responded, “Should your car blow a head casket, would you not take it to a mechanic to be fixed? The God kind of faith is using wisdom in time of our need. It allows God to choose His ways and means in our deliverance. The Lord may opt for a miraculous healing without a doctor, or he may elect to guide the skilled hands of a surgeon. Either way, our faith lies confidently in His Word for healing.

Once I was able to convince my friend that faith is not limited to a single decision, he was able to accept that fact that God honors our faith, yet it is His decision to the method for our deliverance. Faith accepts God’s Word as the final authority for what we believe for, no matter what form of method He prescribes.

Faith is simply accepting God’s Word at face value. What the Word declares, God will do. It is up to us to accept His Word as the final authority of our faith. In the case of my friend’s need for healing, faith does not deny he is sick, rather it denies the right of sickness to remain. The disease is real. Pain is real. We can’t deny these facts. Yet God’s Word is the final authority over the disease and pain.

Faith is a simple process, we accept God at His Word, even in the mist of the most trying times. Then we allow Him to take the necessary action through the power of the Holy to accomplish the end result of our faith. The Holy Spirit is moved by faith, and faith is the key to God’s power. As we worship Him in faith, the Holy Spirit responds in our behalf. Jesus said in the Book of John, “Whatever you ask in my Name, that will I do.” Faith is asking, and then believing what we ask for is ours, and then we accept it as fact, even before we see the results. Faith is a substance of things hoped for. Whatever you are hoping for, faith is the key to receiving it.

Part 2 of 3

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The God Kind of Faith – Part 1 of 3

Written by Johnny Israel

The Bible says, “Without faith it is impossible to please Him (the Lord).” Often I am ask about faith, what it is, and how to use it to overcome circumstances we are confronted with, especially for physical healing, finances, marital issues, including issues with our children.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for…” Notice it says faith is a substance (essence) of things hoped for. In other words, faith is the basis of what we believe. The Word says, “Let us draw near (to God) with the full assurance of faith…) Is faith more than conjuring a positive mental attitude?

When you, by faith, accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, your spirit was instantly regenerated a new, or born again. The old man of sin perished, the new man, your spirit, was made whole. At that moment, the Holy Spirit took permanent residence inside your body. Your body now houses the Spirit of God along with your regenerated spirit (the real you). When this happened, God imparted to you “a measure of faith”. In other words, a small portion of faith was imparted to your spirit man, the real you.

So if I have faith, then why do I struggle with faith, you may ask? It was your spirit that was made new at the time of your “new birth, not your mind. The mind is where in warfare between faith and doubt. For instance, your mind still retains the same me thoughts, and holds onto the doubts and fears before you were born again. The Apostle Paul said in Corinthians 2:10 “Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus…” How is that possible?

The first step to building faith is reading the Word. God’s Word not only encourages us in our circumspect walk with Him, it is the foundation to building up our faith. Again the Word says that when we pray, we are to remind the Lord of His Word. His Word says “We are healed by the stripes of Jesus.” When sickness attacks our bodies, we remind the Lord that we are healed by His stripes. The Word also says, “My God shall supply all your need according to the riches of His glory.” In financially difficult times, we remind the Lord it is He that meets our financial needs accord to His riches.

God is not short concerning his promises. The promises of God are “yes” and “amen” to the believers. As we study the scriptures, faith is imparted to our heart. The inspiration of the Word builds faith. When we pray the Word it is our communication of faith to a loving Heavenly Father that is eager to answer our prayers.

The first step to getting a measure of faith is accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. That leads us to step two, faith comes from hearing the Word (studying the Word); and step three we pray the Word. As we do so, faith becomes alive in us.