Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Lord, You Have Searched Me, And Know Me

Written by: Johnny Israel

Psalm 139:1-3 (1) "O Lord, you have searched me, and know me.(2) You know my sitting down and my rising up, you understand my thoughts afar off. (3) You direct my path, and are acquainted with all my ways. (Revised from King James Version)

A friend of mine is a successful businessman. He is astute in money matters, attending to business issues 24/7. Recently, my friend called me, saying his relationship with Christ is not what it should be. “I don’t have the time to read the Bible,” he complained. “All my efforts go into my work.” When I inquired if he was attending church, he replied, “I can’t find the time.” Having known my friend’s background, coming from an impoverished home growing up, being a financial successful businessman was the most important goal in his life. Married, with three children, the family took a backseat to his business ventures. Through his hard work, his business grew to be financially successful. He had all the trappings of success, a three-story house, luxury automobiles, children in college, and a beautiful wife. But, what he lacked most of all was spiritual success. I am reminded of the scripture, “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?”

Was it wrong for my friend to desire success? Of course not. It is God who implants the desire in His people for success. In the Book of Mathew 25: 14-28, Jesus told a parable of a wealthy squire that decided to go on a journey. In his absent, the squire gave three of his servants money to invest for him. When the squire returned, he inquired about his money. The first man doubled the squire’s money through proper investment. The second man did the same. The squire was extremely pleased with these servants. The squire said, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.” However, the third man went and buried the squire’s money. Thinking the squire would be pleased that he had returned the exact sum entrusted to him, said, “Lord, I knew you are a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not sowed. And I was afraid and went and hid your money in the earth. Look, the money you have entrusted to me is yours.” The squire answered, “You wicked and slothful servant, you knew that I reap where I sow not, and gather where I have not labored: You should have at least put my money into the bank, then at my coming I should have received my money with interest...”

My friend understands the ends-and-outs of business. Having sacrificed his life to his business success, he missed out on the greatest blessing of all: an intimate relationship with Christ. You see, if only my friend would have included Christ into his business, Christ would have advised him in every business decision. This would have saved my friend countless hours of hard work to achieve his success. Jesus is jealous of our time, he desires to fellowship with us in every aspect of our lives. When we invite Him into all our decisions, it is then we are guaranteed spiritual growth and successful business achievement. We are made in His image, for His pleasure. Going through life without enjoying fellowship with Him invites spiritual emptiness, no matter how successful your business has become.