Thursday, March 13, 2014

Anti-Semites Attack Ukrainian Jews

Anti-Semites Attack Ukrainian Jews
Written by Thomas Cain

All across Ukraine, Ukrainian Jews are under attack by anti-Semites. The elderly Jews, Ukraine’s most vulnerable, daily encounter physical battery; they are spit upon, assaulted with rotten fruit, bashed with rocks, and attacked by gangs of so-called Ukrainian citizens, while the police, the military, and government turn a blind eye.  The Ukraine police refuse to put an end to these Nazi like atrocities.  Some police are known to have joined with the crowd of anti-Semites, even pelting Elderly Jews with stones.

The whole world decries Russia’s occupation of Crimea. The United Nations had declared Russia’s occupation as a violation of international law. Where is the United Nations outcry of Ukraine’s despicable atrocities against the Jews?

The United States has proffered one billion dollars to the Ukraine government to strengthen their economy, and stabilize the country.  Past experience tells us most of the money will go directly into government officials’ hands.  The impoverished Jews will remain poor, with little hope or no hope of their dire circumstances changing.

Ukrainians have always adopted their prejudice of the Jews as their legitimate hatred to commit unlawful acts against the Jews. Ukrainians take an unusual pride in anti-Semitism. It dates back to the Renaissance era. The Renaissance orthodox Christians believed killing Jews was nothing more than doing G-d’s ordained work. During this period of time, millions of Jews were slaughtered at the hands of the G-d fearing Christians.

Adolph Hitler believed he was given a personal mission by G-d, himself, to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth. He referred to it as “his duty as a Christian.” Ukrainian Christians have formally adopted the same anti-Semite rhetoric as the Nazis: “Jews are enemies of the cross. They murdered the Christ.”

Let your voices be heard, tell your Senator, Congressman, Governor, and President not to financially support Ukraine’s new government until atrocities against all Ukrainian Jews immediately cease. This is an election year. Your vote is most important. You have the power to compel politicians to intervene on Ukrainian Jews behalf. Do not wait, write, or call your Congressman today.