Friday, October 12, 2012


Written by Thomas Cain

The State of Utah passed draconian laws that prohibit the homeless from any form of panhandling.  Panhandlers are either given a citation to appear in court or are arrested and thrown into jail. 

In March of this year the 10th circuit court of appeals ruled that Salt Lake City, Utah anti-panhandling laws are unconstitutional.  All across Utah the homeless are filing lawsuits proclaiming their Constitutional rights are being violated by law enforcement agencies.  Fortunately for the homeless they are seeing a myriad of victories.  However, the biggest perpetrator targeting the homeless is Provo City’s police department (Gangsters In Blue). 

Even though the Chief of Police Rick Gregory, has been advised by the Justice Department, that Utah’s anti-panhandling laws are unconstitutional, he has ordered his officers to harass, terrorize, and intimidate the homeless with threats of false arrested, false criminal charges, and other forms of mental and physical police abuse.

What is most unsettling, Chief of Police Rick Gregory’s mandate to harass the homeless comes directly from the high archery of the Mormon Church leaders.  While the Mormon Church’s public edifice is one of sympathy and kindness for Utah’s impoverished souls, behind the scenes there is volatile mean-spirited revulsion for the Utah’s weakest down-an-outers.  All Utah law enforcement agencies are under the complete dictate of Thomas S. Munson, President of the Mormon Church.

Rescue My Chosen People is a Jewish organization looking out for the needs of impoverished Jews worldwide.  However, after much consideration, we decided to take an unprecedented step to join forces with legal firms that protect the rights of Utah’s most impoverished souls, Jews and non-Jews alike.  This will be discussed in more detail in Part 3 of this series.

America’s homeless are in much need of protection from police abuse.  Americans have a moral and legal duty to defend her weakest citizens from police atrocities. In Part 3 you will be given an opportunity to voice your concerns of homeless police abuse in Provo, Utah and elsewhere.  It is our responsibility to stop this unwarranted police assault on America’s most defenseless citizens.