This article comes from Rescue My Chosen People at
Impoverished Jews need your help!
We all have heard of the recent attack on a Jewish school in France that left a Rabbi and three children dead. They were senselessly murdered in cold blood by an assassin in wait. This despicable cowardly act must not go unpunished. Jews must not cow-tow to this horrific terror.
We that believe in justice must act swiftly against violent crimes against Jewish people. This perpetrator will be brought to justice, as will any person(s) that commits an overt act against G-d’s chosen people.
This is why Rescue My Chosen People is appealing to your generous benevolence to help impoverished Jews this Passover. Charities such as International Fellowship of Christian and Jews are reaching out to Impoverished Jews in Russia with Passover food boxes. Without your donations thousands of impoverished Jews will not be able to observe their most sacred religious celebration: Passover.
As the money is available International Fellowship of Christian and Jews assist impoverished Jews with airfare or other means of transportation to migrate to their “Promise Land” Israel. With your help, you can make it possible for impoverished Jews in Russia that desire to travel to Israel a reality.
Please visit to see first hand impoverished Jews being snatched from the gutter of hunger and starvation. The Lord has said the Jews (His Chosen People) are the apple-of-His-eye. By your generous donations, you too are the apple-of-His-eye. My heart and spirit goes out to the Jews that are in need of rescuing. So will yours when you visit
Thank you,
Thomas Cain
Rescue My Chosen People is not a part of International Fellowship of Christian and Jews, nor do we directly or indirectly receive any financial compensation from any non-profit organization listed on our blog. Rescue My Chosen People provides information on Jewish charities, so that you, our reader may be able to make a qualified decision on which charity you may wish to support.