Monday, January 07, 2008

Called to Preach, But Not Anointed

Written by Johnny Israel

Years ago, in the seventies, I had the privilege of meeting, C.M Ward, (now deceased) a nationally and internationally recognized author, pastor, preacher, and evangelist. C.M. Ward was a man in constant prayer that loved studying the Word. In the mid seventies, he was responsible for leading the Assemblies of God Church in a national revival, where thousands of young people gave their hearts to Christ. During this powerful revival period, the Assembly of God organization grew mightily in numbers; it was through this man’s direction, the Assembly of God churches were forced to build newer and much larger church buildings all across America to accommodate the mass of young people attending services.

Whether by radio, television or the pulpit, this great man of God never closed a sermon without giving people an invitation to come to Christ; and come they did in masses. God’s hand was on this great man through the power of the Holy Spirit. In other words, C. M Ward was an anointed preacher that often encountered, what is called a, “chamber room” relationship with Christ. He was always in prayer, always in worship, always in the Word, and always ready to lead any person that came across his path to Christ.

C.M Ward has long been deceased. His memory of greatness has long been forgotten. Over the years, new Church leaders have come and gone. What once was a religious institution of faith and power has been replaced with contemporary complacency, the flames of revival fire has long simmered Luke warm, its embers of Holy Spirit power are covered in a heap of present-day humdrum. Sadly, in their efforts to attract people to the Church, preachers all across this nation have willing surrendered their anointing for a more fashionable “social club” where one size of faith fits all. The Church’s protocol is come as you are, don’t bring your Bibles, we won’t embarrass you with a public proffer to receive Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, and please note, for your comfort, donuts and coffee are served in the foyer of the Church.

The world is in chaos as never before. Around this world people are fearful of what the future holds for them. Rogue nations are murdering their citizens at an alarming rate, and the threat of a pandemic disease, such as the Bird Flu, is close at hand. There is that possibility nuclear weapons can fall into the hands of religious hate mongers that are bent on the destruction of the free world. Yet with all the world’s troubles at our doorstep, the Church has traded God’s anointing for a mere morsel of coffee and donuts. Its candy-coated sermons are soft peddled to its members as spiritual atonement to the gates of Heaven.

It will take God’s anointing to raise the Church from the trash heap of contemporary socialism she is buried beneath, if she is going to survive the troubling times ahead of her. The Lord’s anointing and power comes through prayer, worship, and an intimate relationship in the Word of God. Unfortunately, today’s Church offers little prayer, is far from worship, and proffers little revelation of the Word, and has never experienced C.M Ward’s chamber room relationship with their Heavenly Father. They are called to preach, but not anointed.